Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Twenty years after Miles Davis left

Twenty years ago today jazz great Miles Davis died. To put it simply he was a legendary giant of musical innovation who took music forward, created new ideas in jazz and broke the rules. However, Miles Davis broke the rules only because he knew what the rules were, he knew, studied and mastered the foundations of music and music theory and to say he was talented would be an understatement of criminal proportions.

What we take from Miles Davis, his music, his vision and his journey is for the individual to decide. But his drive, ingenuity and foresight is an inspiration that anyone can embrace.

And in honor of Miles Davis, his life and his journey we here at Rootnetwork say:

Try your absolute hardest at something you have always wanted

Tell someone what you really think

Accept the challenge of what may be the hardest thing you will ever do

Attempt something new

Talk to someone that doesn't think or believe the same as you

Go somewhere new

Walk away when you know it's wrong

Stand your ground when you know it's right

When you're down, pick yourself up

If you need help...ask

Step back and laugh at yourself

Find a way to make yourself proud

Do something embarrassing

Love because you're actually in love and not because you are lonely

Allow yourself to be inspired by something different

Be better today than you were yesterday

MILES DAVIS (May 26, 1926 – September 28, 1991)

R.I.P. Miles Davis - Flamenco Sketches



La Ritournelle